Pizza Dough Recipe

Makes 4 pizzas.

To make the dough, add the following ingredients to a mixing bowl:

You can also half the above quantities to get 2 pizzas. You can still add the whole yeast sachet in this case.

Knead these ingredients together. Ideally: it doesn't stick to your finger when you poke it. If you use a dough mixer this will take less than 2 mins, or 10 mins if you are kneading by hand.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to rise in a warm part of the house for 2 hours.

After two hours, cover a kitchen surface with flour and plop the dough on to it, knead it with your hands for a minute, then chop into 4 blobs, knead each blob and roll out.

Put the pizza-bases on baking trays. Ideally use a non-stick tray, otherwise use aluminium foil brushed with a small amount of olive oil.

Now add toppings: for a tomato base I usually mix 140ml of concentrated tomato puree with 100ml of boiling water. Passata mix also works. If you like crusts leave a 200mm of margin for the sauce. Two mozzarella balls is the right amount of cheese for 4 pizzas. I like adding diced peppers, halved cherry tomatoes, olives, pepperoni and a small amount of cheddar cheese.

For extra fluffy pizzas, I recommend letting them rise for an hour before putting them in the oven.

Bake at 200°C fan for ~10 mins but keep an eye on them. They are done when the cheese is bubbling and the crust is just starting to go brown.

You can also freeze them before cooking.